Friday, October 20, 2006

Portland Suck-Out Open Week #3

Billy takes it. Finnie's new nickname is "Survivor". George made a strong showing outplaying and dominating the table in Ivey like fashion until......disaster struck.

Disaster in the form of suckouts. At least 10 suckouts occured in week three. I have decided skill is not required in this tournament. Just bring your suck out skillz. Let's put all the chips in the middle and play Indian poker, yahtzee, or battleship. Forget Aces, Kings, or Queens. If you think you have an over card or an under it! It will hit!

Bad Beat(s)- Pats Q-Q sucked out on by Christians A-Q.....only to be destroyed by George's 9-9 sucked out on by Billy's 6-6. Ouch.

Next week: Who Knows....maybe no suckouts and good sound poker? Probably not. Project Runway here I come.


1- Billy
2- Finnie
3- Marco
4- George
5- Christian
6- Jackie
7- Tim
8- Ryan
9- Pat


Billy- 5
George- 1
Finnie- 1
Christian- 1

Link on the left has complete standings.....


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