Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Week 5

I am more excited for the Canadian-American Challenge than this stupid points thing. George and I scouted out a table at the Bear the other day. I may have to switch sides after witnessing the state of the union address though. Should we have it mid-season? Did everyone get the email that I'll host this week? Figured those guys could use a break from picking up bottle caps and peanut shells.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tim's vacations I bet....

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Poker week 3

Week 3 of session 2 is in Canada (I mean Portland). Once again I am the only player with no points. My plan of always finishing ahead of George didn't work. I think I need to make more donkey moves.

Monday, January 08, 2007

New Session...week 1 results.

Finnie wins week one with some uncomfortable swings in his chips. He was very nervous. Dwayne is back full time. Tim was very steady as usual. This is a very bland post. I am not having very much fun writing it. Tim, please help the blog. George, can you give us some math?

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Session....

Its a new season and a new year. Congratulations George. You need to have at least one beer a week out of the mug. Some rule change ideas open for discussion:

1) One less week (8 weeks plus final table)

2) First 5 in points make the final table, the 6th spot is a super satellite with the remaining players for $5 each. (so everyone has a chance regardless, this is an ego booster).

3) Points for the first five are reflected in starting chip count in final table

4) Re-buys don't count towards points only winning money

5) Should we set a rebuy cutoff?

6) Should we skip some blinds in the interest of speeding up the marathon tourneys?

6) no bounties (cause we are too dumb to keep track)