Thursday, November 30, 2006

Week # 8 Recap

Its crunch time. Some of us are mathematically eliminated. Some have an outside chance to make the big six. I think the top nine should play for the cash. I mean why penalize those players who can't win with a chance to never win? Is this some sort of sick way to isolate the so called "best players" from the remaining few? I mean we are all friends here right?

Next week in Biddeford. I'll take side action to assist other players in making the "elite" six. Dwayne....where are you?

FYI- non poker activity get together at Ri-Ra's Friday night. We can dwell on the past 8 weeks....or actually get to know each other. Finnie and I will be there at 8 or so. Be social! Bring the bounty money. This would be an excellent way to spend it.


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