Thursday, November 30, 2006

Week # 8 Recap

Its crunch time. Some of us are mathematically eliminated. Some have an outside chance to make the big six. I think the top nine should play for the cash. I mean why penalize those players who can't win with a chance to never win? Is this some sort of sick way to isolate the so called "best players" from the remaining few? I mean we are all friends here right?

Next week in Biddeford. I'll take side action to assist other players in making the "elite" six. Dwayne....where are you?

FYI- non poker activity get together at Ri-Ra's Friday night. We can dwell on the past 8 weeks....or actually get to know each other. Finnie and I will be there at 8 or so. Be social! Bring the bounty money. This would be an excellent way to spend it.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Week # 7

George wins it. There are poker demons in Dwayne's old room. Too much sinning went on in there. Dwayne....where are you? Click on the link on the right side for the standings.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

This past weekend....

For those of you who couldn't make the big tourney on Saturday, the Clowns were well represented at the final table. Jackie, Marco, and I all made the top six. We should get matching sponsorship T-shirts or cowboy hats next time.

We will of course be talking about how the winner managed to take everybody out by playing really bad hands. Marco won with Aces! I saw it with my own eyes. I won my races (unbelievable).

See you Wednesday. 12 players I assume.

BTW- I did manage to blow the alternator on my truck driving home though...the repair equaled my winnings.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Week 6 results are up....

No interesting recap by me this week. I am giving up poker. I am starting community service on Wednesday nights. In the words of Mike the Mouth "Just one time God, One time!"

Sara is the new leader.....

See ya Saturday.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

6:30 at Finnie's House

It's on tonight! Anyone going to be late? Do Marco and Christian know? The communication is sometimes less than stellar at that house. If its not raining, can George's table make its way down from Carlysle St for this Saturday? We could use the chips and plastic cards as well.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Coming from behind YEEHAW

Next week is my last week and I can't wait to be home. Hope to see some of you at the game this weekend.

I'm Coming Guys, First in Line is Pat LOL

Friday, November 03, 2006

New standings are up....

Minus two weeks of Bounty's. Next week in Biddeford at Finnie's house. We can start earlier too. 6:30 perhaps?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Good God....

I have decided that not only to you have to avoid a bad beat at the Canadiens House, you now either need Quads or a Straight Flush to win a hand. Continuing my poker misery into November is not what I had in mind. Now please excuse me while I go to local pawn shops with my golf clubs so I can continue this unworthy weekly tradition. Anyone have any bottles to redeem? I plan to spend my next day off on hands and knees in Payson Park looking for these.....

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Portland Poker Clowns

How in the hell do you put pics on this thing?

